Around 80% of people, especially teenagers are struggling with acne. It develop due to various factors like hormonal changes, stress, weak immune system and our unhealthy food style which causes excess secretion of oil on the surface of our skin. This oil, dirt and dead skin get trapped in the clogged pores present on the skin that causes bacterial growth which causes acne. The natural and effective way to deal with acne is Apple Cider Vinegar.
It has anti - inflammatory properties that reduce redness, swelling, and pain cause by the acne. Apple cider vinegar contains many essential nutrients (vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, P) which are useful to fight acne, speed up the healing process and reduce scarring. It contains alpha hydroxy and amino acids that dissolves dead skin cells and fatty deposits in the skin. As an astringent, apple cider vinegar dries out the pimples. It contains malic and lactic acids which help for exfoliating and softening the skin to reduce the red marks. This vinegar also helpful for indented scars.
Also the use of harsh cleansers and soaps destroys the acid mantle of our skin, which is needed to protect our skin from germs, bacteria and pollution. Apple cider vinegar returns the acidity to our skin and restores the acid mantle. It also kills the bacteria, removes excess dirt, oil and makeup and dissolves the dead skin cells. It acts as a powerful skin detox and cleanser.
There are different methods of using apple cider vinegar to cure acne:-
- Apply apple cider vinegar on the affected areas with the help of small cotton ball.
- Leave it for 10-15 min to dry completely.
- Rinse off with normal water and pat your face dry with a soft towel.
- Repeat this process daily to get effective results.
Note:- For added benefits ,You can add tea tree oil and aloe vera gel .
Method 2:-
(This process opens up the pores and removes the impurities from the skin pores.)
- Take some boiled water and add 2-3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.
- Now cover your head with a towel or any other cloth
- Bend towards the bowl to take facial steam for min 5min.
- Now remove the towel and wash your face with cold water
- Repeat the process regularly to get effective results.